A leading schools marketing company

As a leading schools marketing company based in Melbourne, we attribute our success to a high level service and value, as measured against our clients commercial interests.

A unique breadth and depth of service

Founded in 2001, we bring a breadth and depth not commonly seen in a schools  marketing company.

Our team of senior consultants, have an enviable record of success in  executing national and local campaigns for government, not-for-profit and commercial clients over many years.

This comprehensive service helps our clients maintain and improve their image, raise visibility and motivate prospective parents and students to become involved.

Why choose us as your schools marketing company?

Our promise is to implement high value strategies that further the interests of our education clients.

Principals and Directors choose GRS Communications when they want to boost or maintain their student numbers, have communities with declining student populations, or understand that responding to market needs and maintaining a positive image over the long-term requires more than just pretty brochures.

Whether local or disconnected by geography, our programs ensure that target communities know more about our clients, better understand the educational offerings and in the end become more inclined to make our clients their first choice in education.

GRS Communications is also a member of the Public Relations Institute of Australia’s Registered Consultancy Group, and a multi-award winning agency.


A comprehensive suit of services

We provide a comprehensive suit of schools marketing services.

We work across a range of education sectors including

Initial inquiries and discussions are welcome:

  • Phone: 61 3 9478 5224
  • Email: info@grscom.com.au