Advertising and other forms of promotion can help to build reputations, create awareness about products and services, and differentiate what you have to offer from your competitors.

Here are twelve tips to consider that will help you improve the public relations of your advertising.

  1. It is important to tell the truth, and refer to solid evidence and substantiated fact. Be sure that you do not exaggerate, mislead or omit important information that could affect the meaning or intent of your messages.
  2. When undertaking advertising, consider that cutting corners, an absence of long term planning, and undertaking the occasional advertising campaign can be counterproductive and may even do more harm than good.
  3. Promoting your services and their substantiated benefits can be an effective way to motivate the interest of your target market.
  4. Promoting fewer services than more and focusing on a specific theme is more likely to deliver your messages effectively.
  5. Using a minimum number of words that are common and easily understood will help your audience to understand your products and services.
  6. Pushing your own barrow may create a market disconnect if your ad does not address the needs of your clients.
  7. For a standard suburban or regional quarter page ad, restricting your ad to 100 words or less including headings and contact details will help you to keep the word count down and produce an uncluttered ad.
  8. Clearly identifying the businesses details and sources of more information is an important promotional element in creating a clear identity.
  9. Including your logo and prominent branding with consistent uniform artwork in all advertisements, can help with branding and recognition.
  10. Using professional graphic design, copy-writing and printing services can help you present a more professional image.
  11. Consider that amateur or home-grown ads and publications often look and read poorly, can look unprofessional, and possibly damage your reputation.
  12. All of your communications channels including brochures, business cards, street signs, websites etc., contribute to the image you create.

Disclaimer: The information, views opinions, advice and tips expressed in this article are offered as an overview of issues to consider and should not be regarded as comprehensive or definitive advice. The author accepts not liability in respect to any losses or damages in regards to the views and ideas expressed in this article. It is your responsibility to ensure you are complaint with the law and to seek professional advice regarding your advertising campaign.